Modified RNA-Based Gene Therapy for Cardiac Regeneration Through Cardiomyocyte Proliferation

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Research Objective Efficacious and safe intramyocardial delivery of modified mRNA encoding cell cycle regulators as a gene therapy for cardiac regeneration through resident cardiomyocyte proliferation. Impact This project would provide…

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Developing gene therapy for dominant optic atrophy using human pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal organoid disease models

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Research Objective We will develop a gene therapy for a major inherited optic nerve disease and test the effectiveness of the treatment by analyzing healthy and patient stem cell-derived mini…

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Providing a cure for sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome (SPLIS) through adeno-associated viral mediated SGPL1 gene therapy

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Research Objective AAV-SPL 2.0 is a gene therapy cure for SPLIS, a lethal childhood disorder of metabolism that causes kidney failure. Our gene therapy may also work in more common…

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New noncoding RNA chemical entity for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

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Research Objective Modified synthetic noncoding RNA molecule Impact Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Major Proposed Activities Lead optimizationPerform extensive preclinical testing and select a therapeutic candidate.Develop and test preliminary…

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