Therapeutic/Technology: Small molecule therapy
Discovery of therapeutics for Huntington’s Disease
Research Objective The objective of the proposed research is to perform 3 independent hESC-based screens to identify drug candidates for Huntington’s Disease. Impact There are currently no effective treatments for HD. Combination of human isogenic HD-mutants, novel tools and technology will provide therapeutic solutions for this neurodegenerative orphan disease. Major Proposed Activities Screening of 2,000 […]
A Novel Approach to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells
Research Objective The outcome is a therapeutic candidate ready for Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies to target a central hub of stemness pathways of cancer stem cells (CSC) maintenance and self-renewal Impact To date, the majority of metastatic cancers remain incurable, because CSCs that can grow new tumors evades current therapy. The proposed studies aim […]
A Novel Approach to Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells
Research Objective The outcome is a therapeutic candidate ready for Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies to target a central hub of stemness pathways of cancer stem cells (CSC) maintenance and self-renewal Impact To date, the majority of metastatic cancers remain incurable, because CSCs that can grow new tumors evades current therapy. The proposed studies aim […]
A treatment for Zika virus infection and neuroprotection efficacy
Research Objective We propose to determine the impact of the Zika virus during human neurodevelopment and to test a FDA-approved therapeutic candidate to treat Zika infection. Impact A drug to treat/cure Zika infection and for neuroprotection. Major Proposed Activities To determine the molecular and cellular alterations caused by the Zika virus in the human developing […]
Protein tyrosine phosphatase – sigma inhibitors for hematopoietic regeneration
Research Objective We propose to develop a lead small molecule inhibitor of PTPσ, a receptor expressed by human blood stem cells, for the purpose of promoting human hematopoietic regeneration. Impact Systemic administration of a PTPσ inhibitor can accelerate hematologic recovery in thousands of patients who have received myelosuppressive chemo- or radiotherapy. Major Proposed Activities Generate […]
Use of Human iPSC-derived Endothelial Cells for Calcific Aortic Valve Disease Therapeutics
Research Objective To develop drugs to treat Calcific Aortic Valve Disease (CAVD), the third leading cause of adult heart disease, by screening a stem cell-based platform based on CAVD patient-derived stem cells. Impact CAVD represents a major unmet medical need, with no treatments other than valve replacement. We will identify drugs, already proven to be […]
Gingival mesenchymal stem cells as a novel treatment modality for periodontal tissue regeneration
Research Objective To develop a novel regenerative and adhesive hydrogel encapsulating patient's' gingival stem cell which can potentially be used as an adhesive dental hydrogel for periodontal tissue regeneration. Impact Upon successful completion, this project will introduce a promising treatment approach for maxillofacial defects presenting an innovative treatment modality for periodontal tissue regeneration. Major Proposed […]
A new phenotypic screening platform that identifies biologically-relevant targets and lead compounds for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Research Objective Demonstrate that our HitFinder™ library can be screened for phenotypic changes in A53T-IPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons and use a secondary handle to identify the targets responsible. Impact This technology combines phenotypic screening and target-ID eliminating the need to bias assays and/or screening libraries permitting application directly in iPSC-derived cells. Major Proposed Activities Prepare screening […]
Human Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells: Developing a Novel Drug for Cancer Eradication
Research Objective We will use human pancreatic cancer (PC) stem cells to show 1 inhibits proliferation, self-renewal and cell viability. This paradigm is transformational for anti-cancer drug discovery for patients. Impact Pancreatic cancer (PC) kills >40,000/yr in the US. PC is a major unmet medical need. Use of PC stem cells in development of 1 […]
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors as a novel therapeutic approach for neurological autoimmune disorders
Research Objective We found that approved anti-retroviral drugs could stop inflammation and block neurodegeneration. We propose to validate the re-purpose efficacy of these clinically-approved retroviral drugs. Impact We have identified an unexpected cause to a brain inflammation and a potential simple treatment. Our research could help millions of patients affected by a broad range neuro-immunological […]