Therapeutic/Technology: Technology

Development of a Hydrogel Matrix for Stem Cell Growth and Neural Repair after Stroke

Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability. Most patients survive their initial stroke, but do not recover fully. Because of incomplete recovery, up to 1/3 of stroke patients are taken from independence to a nursing home or assisted living environment, and most are left with some disability in strength or control of the arms […]

Site-specific integration of Lmx1a, FoxA2, & Otx2 to optimize dopaminergic differentiation

The objective of this study is to develop a new, optimized technology to obtain a homogenous population of midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neurons in a culture dish through neuronal differentiation. Dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain are the main source of dopamine in the mammalian central nervous system. Their loss is associated with one of the most […]

Development and Application of Versatile, Automated, Microfluidic Cell Culture System

Supported in part by a previous CIRM Tools and Technologies Grant [REDACTED], we have optimized and scaled up highly advanced (microfluidic) cell culture chips into manufacturable form, produced prototype instruments to drive these chips, and demonstrated that we can culture cells, dose them with combinations of reagents, and export them back off the chip. Since […]

Pluripotent and Somatic Stem Cell Models to Study Inherited Diarrheal Disorders

Our research group at [REDACTED] has had a long-standing interest in understanding the cause of several disorders that result in severe, and often times fatal forms of diarrhea in children. These diarrheal disorders are inherited, and somehow lead to poor absorption of nearly all forms of nutrients, including protein, sugars and fats. Why children with […]

Crosstalk: Inflammation in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in a humanized in vitro model

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative movement disorder. It is characterized by motor impairment such as slowness of movements, shaking and gait disturbances. Age is the most consistent risk factor for PD, and as we have an aging population, it is of upmost importance that we find therapies to limit the social, economic […]

Engineering microscale tissue constructs from human pluripotent stem cells

Tissues derived from stem cells can serve multiple purposes to enhance biomedical therapies. Human tissues engineered from stem cells hold tremendous potential to serve as better substrates for the discovery and development of new drugs, accurately model development or disease progression, and one day ultimately be used directly to repair, restore and replace traumatically injured […]

Niche-Focused Research: Discovery & Development of Hematopoietic Regenerative Factors

Bone marrow and peripheral blood transplantation utilizing blood stem cells can provide curative treatment for patients with cancers and non-cancerous diseases of the blood and immune systems. Such treatments can be curative because the stem cells contained within the bone marrow or peripheral blood of healthy donors are capable of replacing the entirety of the […]

Single Molecule Biophysics and Biology of Cellular Identity

One of your earliest childhood biology lessons probably occurred when your body demonstrated to you that your skin is an organ that is able to self-regenerate. Indeed wound healing is a fascinating process in which cells carry out a precise and complex choreography that includes cellular differentiation and regulation of gene expression. Our lab studies […]

Molecular Imaging for Stem Cell Science and Clinical Application

Stem cells offer tremendous potential to treat previously intractable diseases. The clinical translation of these therapies, however, presents unique challenges. One challenge is the absence of robust methods to monitor cell location and fate after delivery to the body. The delivery and biological distribution of stem cells over time can be much less predictable compared […]

Generation of functional cells and organs from iPSCs

The development of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology may be the most important advance in stem cell biology for the future of medicine. This technology allows one to generate a patient’s own pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) from skin or blood cells. iPSCs can then be reprogrammed to multiply and produce high quality mature cells […]