Therapeutic/Technology: Technology

A screen for drugs to protect against chemotherapy-induced hearing loss, using sensory hair cells derived by direct lineage reprogramming from hiPSCs

Research Objective Development of a screen using inner ear sensory hair cell-like cells made by direct lineage reprogramming, for discovering drugs to ameliorate hearing loss during cancer chemotherapy. Impact Hearing loss, both adult and pediatric, due to life-saving cisplatin chemotherapies. Lack of human inner ear hair cells for drug discovery purposes and disease modeling. Major […]

Silicon Nanopore Membrane encapsulated enriched-Beta Clusters for Type 1 Diabetes treatment

Research Objective We propose to develop a cell encapsulation technology to support the long term viability and function of human stem cell derived insulin producing cells. Impact A device that provides adequate mass transfer of oxygen, glucose, and insulin for encapsulated stem cell derived beta cells can address the challenges of current cell therapy for […]

Platform Technology for Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived T cell Immunotherapy

Research Objective We will combine a novel method to produce T cells from stem cells with gene editing tools, to create pluripotent stem cells that can serve as a universal source of T cells for cancer immunotherapy. Impact We will address a major bottleneck for T cell immunotherapy: the complexity and therefore limited access to […]

Non-Toxic, Highly-Effective Bioinspired Cryoprotectants for On-Demand Stem Cell Therapies

Research Objective An advanced technology is sought to replace the toxic, ineffective and highly processed components in legacy cryopreservation media. This technology is a fundamentally novel non-toxic freezing media. Impact The transport and storage of stem cell therapies is crippled by freezing media with poor cell preservation. Significantly improved freezing media would directly increase therapy […]

Human Cardiac Chip for Assessment of Proarrhythmic Risk

Research Objective This proposal will develop patient specific ‘heart-on-a-chip’ devices that will significantly impact early screening of drugs to accurately predict drug-induced proarrhythmia and toxicity. Impact Patient specific ‘heart-on-a-chip’ device will significantly reduce the cost of bringing a new drug candidate to market while improving efficacy. Major Proposed Activities To improve the maturity of human […]

A tool for rapid development of clinical-grade protocols for dopaminergic neuronal differentiation of Parkinson’s Disease patient-derived iPSCs

Research Objective Develop a tool that facilitates rapid, cost effective development of optimized GMP-grade hPSC differentiation into functional DA neurons and apply this device to a cohort of PD patient-derived iPSCs. Impact Creating GMP-grade, functionally consistent phenotypes for DA neurons from each patient will significantly increase the likelihood of stem cell-derived DA neuron-based therapy for […]

Thin Film Encapsulation Devices for Human Stem Cell derived Insulin Producing Cells

Research Objective We propose to develop a macroencapsulation technology, based on flexible nanoporous thin films, to support the long term viability and function of human stem cell derived insulin producing cells. Impact Encapsulation devices that maintain function of stem cell derived islets can address challenges with current cell therapy for Type I Diabetics, including islet […]

Scalable, Defined Production of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells to Treat Neural Disease and Injury

Research Objective The goal of this proposal is to develop an optimized, scalable process to manufacture high quality oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) from human pluripotent stem cells for treating human disease. Impact OPCs have therapeutic potential for spinal cord injury, restoration of cognitive function after cancer radiation therapy, inherited demyelinating disease, and potentially multiple sclerosis. […]

An IPSC cell based model of macular degeneration for drug discovery.

Research Objective Towards a cure for age related blindness, we propose to create a human stem cell based model to screen for drugs that are protective against Age related macular degeneration (AMD). Impact With up to 11 million people in the United States affected by AMD, effective treatments against macular degeneration could address vision loss […]

A new phenotypic screening platform that identifies biologically-relevant targets and lead compounds for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Research Objective Demonstrate that our HitFinder™ library can be screened for phenotypic changes in A53T-IPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons and use a secondary handle to identify the targets responsible. Impact This technology combines phenotypic screening and target-ID eliminating the need to bias assays and/or screening libraries permitting application directly in iPSC-derived cells. Major Proposed Activities Prepare screening […]