Video Topic: Webinars and Workshops

World’s 1st Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trial for Spinal Cord Injury – Katie Sharify

Katie Sharify was one of five people with spinal cord injuries to participate in the world’s first clinical trial testing human embryonic stem cells. The Geron sponsored trial was supported by California’s Stem Cell Agency (CIRM). In this video Katie speaks about her clinical trial experience with a group of scientists who were meeting to […]

Webinar: Immune Response in Stem Cell-based Therapy

Presentations from FDA and Leading Experts Date: September 27, 2012 from 10 am to 12 noon (Pacific) Below are links to recordings of the webinar as well as the speakers’ slides: Links to recordings of the webinar: Introduction by moderator, Ellen Feigal, MD, Senior VP of Research and Development, CIRM Recording of Webinar For the […]

Webinar: Scaffolding

CIRM / Regenerative Medicine Consortium (RMC) Scaffolding Webinar Webinar Registration The webinar was held September 12, 2011. See below for slides and a video of the webinar:   Video: Webinar recording of Lee and Jain presentations Audio recording of Q&A session [mp3] See the agenda page for links to the presenters’ slides as well as […]

Webinar: Focus on the Eye

Presentations from FDA and Leading Experts May 2, 2012 The Webinar was held on May 2, 2012 Click here to watch and listen to a recording of the webinar. Click here for the presenters’ slides as well as background information. Moderator: Ellen Feigal, MD, Senior Vice President of Research and Development, CIRM Speakers: Samuel Barone, […]

Craig Venter: New Frontiers of Genomic Research – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting

J. Craig Venter gave the keynote address at the 2011 California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Grantee Meeting. Venter’s cutting-edge topics included creation of the first synthetic life and exploration of the genetic diversity found in the oceans, air, and soil as well as the human body. Venter has made key contributions to genomics research […]

Stem Cells: Fulfilling the Promise – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting

*Please note: this video contains graphic images of a disfiguring disease John Wagner presented the closing scientific talk at the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting. Weaving together stories of medical history, literature, bioethics, and his own clinical work, Wagner describes the challenges and promise of stem cell based therapies. Dr. Wagner is a professor of pediatrics, […]

Target Product Profile: Ellen Feigal – 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting

Ellen Feigal, MD, led a workshop at the 2011 CIRM Grantee Meeting on the Target Product Profile (TPP). The TPP is a methodology for summarizing a drug development program which can facilitate communication between the drug’s sponsor and the Federal Drug Administration. Feigal is Senior Vice President, Research and Development at the California Institute for […]

Bridges Trainee Meeting Keynote: Geron’s Embryonic Stem Cell Trial for Spinal Cord Injury

Dr. Jane Lebkowski, former executive vice president and chief scientific officer at Geron Corporation, gave the keynote address for the 2011 CIRM Bridges Trainee Meeting held July 7-8 in Burlingame, California. Geron began the first clinical trial in the world using human embryonic stem cells. The trial was testing the cells as a potential therapy […]

Video: Stem Cell Banking – The Perspective of an iPS Donor Family

“Your twin daughters have an extremely rare, fatal disease called Niemann Pick Type C and there’s nothing you can do for them”. Those were the devastating words that Chris Hempel and her husband first heard in 2007. Rather than just give in to this fate, the Hempels are proactively engaging researchers to try to save […]

Webinar: Imaging Technology for Cellular Therapies

CIRM / REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CONSORTIUM Imaging Technology for Cellular Therapies Presentations from FDA and Leading Experts Webinar was held May 26, 2011 – see below for slides and video of the event. Fee: None Webinar Topic & Agenda Imaging Technology for Cellular Therapies FDA’s perspective on imaging technology The use of imaging technology in preclinical […]