People We’ve Funded

The Approved Funds represents the current award amount under agreement with the grantee which can be less the amount approved by the governing board. For projects approved by the governing that have not yet been issued an award agreement, the Approved Funds will temporarily reflect the amount approved by the governing board.

InvestigatorTotal AwardsAward Amount
John O. White 1 $4,341,321
Dr. Martina Wiedau-Pazos 1 $13,300
Arun P Wiita 1 $3,330,801
Miles F Wilkinson 2 $1,913,261
Dr. Holger F Willenbring 5 $6,550,272
Karl H. Willert 4 $6,453,554
David Williams 1 $8,333,581
James R Williamson 1 $205,122
Michael Wilson 1 $2,182,396
Professor Jürgen Winkler 0
Dr. Edward Wirth III 1 $8,000,000
Mark Wisniewski 1 $50,000
Dr. Owen N Witte M.D. 4 $6,875,815
Dr. Albert J Wong 3 $3,289,638
Dr. Ryan L. Wong 1 $3,999,959
Joseph Paul Woodard 1 $6,000,000
Dr. David Timothy Woodley 1 $33,626
Dr. Anna Wu PhD 0
Dr. Joseph C. Wu 15 $35,176,394
Sean M. Wu 1 $1,260,537
Dr. Joanna Wysocka PhD 3 $4,424,473
Dr. Tony Wyss-Coray 1 $1,159,806
Dr. Yang Xu 4 $10,682,508
Dr Yang Xu 1 $1,924,791
Dr. Vicky Yamamoto PhD 0
Dr. Vicky Yamamoto PhD 1 $50,000
Dr. Ebenezer N Yamoah 1 $458,071
Dr. Fan Yang PhD 2 $1,444,235
Dr. Lili Yang 6 $15,910,374
Dr. Lili Yang 1 $5,601,600
Otto O. Yang 0
Dr. Phillip C Yang 3 $2,282,594
Dr. Xian-Jie Yang 1 $1,345,691
Wei Yao 0
Dr. Mark Yarborough PhD 1 $1,020
Dr. Jiing-Kuan Yee Ph.D. 1 $1,268,868
Gene Wei-Ming Yeo 5 $6,642,313
Dr. Qilong Ying 3 $4,209,574
Dr. Kyoko Yokomori 1 $607,200
James Yoo 1 $3,841,593
Dr Eiji Yoshihara PhD 1 $250,000
Zongbing You 0
Dr Courtney Young 1 $3,400,000
Dr. Benjamin D. Yu 1 $3,017,978
Dr. Benjamin D. Yu 1 $28,388
Dr Jianhua Yu 3 $8,449,502
Dr. John Yu 1 $18,500
Yuan Yuan 1 $1,535,375
Dr. Jerome A. Zack Ph.D. 4 $14,668,069
Prof. John A Zaia 5 $29,616,224